Carpenter Ministries was incorporated in 1980. It was an outgrowth of a ministry called Upper Room Women which was started in 1974 in the Detroit Metropolitan area. Upper Room Women was birthed by a young woman named Shirley M. Carpenter and held retreats in the Detroit area, as well as Chicago and Massachusetts. The ministry grew and Shirley was invited to speak at churches and organizations. As invitations increased, Carpenter Ministries was formed to take in the wide variety of audiences and ministry.
In 1980 Shirley was ordained by Dr. Iverna Tompkins and has remained under the leadership and guidance of Iverna Tompkins Ministries.
Today Carpenter Ministries reaches throughout the world. Shirley continues to teach in churches, seminars, and Bible Colleges. It also holds meetings and seminars to encourage believers in their walk and their studies. The ministry has gone into countries such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Czechoslovakia, Japan along with other nations.
In 1994 Gold Diggers was born. Gold Diggers is an Intensive Bible Research Seminar geared to help pastors, teachers, and serious minded Bible students dig beyond the surface of the Word and find the gems that are below the surface.
Carpenter Ministries continues to grow and enlarge its borders as God opens effective doors. Its desire is to support the work of churches and church leaders and to see every believer walk a victorious life and make a difference in the world they live in.